Storm Person of Distinction – Bob Lazzar-Atwood



The Northwest Conference puts high value on celebrating our students, programs and communities throughout the school year.  From “Leaders in Sportsmanship,” to “Coaches vs. Cancer” and “Only 7 Seconds,” The Northwest Conference consistently goes above and beyond with outreach to every school and their corresponding communities.

Starting this spring, each school in the NWC will have the opportunity to highlight someone from their community as a “Person of Distinction.” This honor will celebrate someone associated with each athletic program and draw a spotlight on the amazing selfless people who help make this conference so special!

Squalicum Athletics

Person of Distinction – Bob Lazzar-Atwood


“Whether it is a student, staff member or community member, Bob sees people.  If there is a need, he willing steps in to assist in finding a solution.  With a heart for the underdog, he looks for opportunities to include people.  No matter the occasion, you can hear Bob say “How can I help?” and “What can I do?”

Pam Behee

“A paragraph does not sum up the admiration and respect I have for this man…Mr. Bob is an invaluable member of our school community and an incredible influence on our students and staff alike.  Mr. Bob has become a much-loved and respected teacher, coach, and supporter of all “things” Squalicum.  Drama, Choir, Band, and Unified Sports are just a few of the “lucky ones” to have Mr. Bob’s unwavering enthusiasm and commitment -You will find no one cheering louder or clapping longer!  Bob’s infectious enthusiasm and boundless energy has created a welcoming environment for our students and shown us what it means to be a part of the Storm Family.  Squalicum is the lucky recipient of his dedication currently, but many other schools have equally benefited from his presence over the years.  His commitment to loving and supporting our students will leave a lasting impact on everyone he has ever worked with or touched.”

Jill Conner

“Bob has been a long-time educator with Squalicum High School working in the Life-Skills Program. Bob has coached boys and girls sub-varsity tennis and has been very active in Unified Sports. In addition, Bob has worked many, many Squalicum High School sporting events. He is most well-known by other schools as the enthusiastic greeter at our ticket booth. Bob always has a welcoming smile and warm greeting to our guests, and he makes sure everyone feels welcome. Many times, I have had visiting parents comment to me that they feel so welcome at Squalicum because of how they were treated when they entered the building. That is Mr. Bob at his best, making us all look good.”

Patrick Brown


Mountaineers Person of Distinction – Bret Pugmire



The Northwest Conference puts high value on celebrating our students, programs and communities throughout the school year.  From “Leaders in Sportsmanship,” to “Coaches vs. Cancer” and “Only 7 Seconds,” The Northwest Conference consistently goes above and beyond with outreach to every school and their corresponding communities.

Starting this spring, each school in the NWC will have the opportunity to highlight someone from their community as a “Person of Distinction.” This honor will celebrate someone associated with each athletic program and draw a spotlight on the amazing selfless people who help make this conference so special!

Mount Baker Athletics

Person of Distinction – Bret Pugmire

Bret Pugmire arrived in Deming 28 years ago by way of James Marshall High School in Sacramento, CA and Western Washington University.  He was a letter winner in Football, Basketball and Baseball.  Bret also played football and crew at WWU.  Coach Pugmire began coaching softball over 29 years ago at both the high school and junior high.  Bret is more than a coach, he has spent countless hours working on the softball and baseball fields and also helps film varsity football games.  You can find Coach Pugmire doing his work in shorts year-round.  Bret brings his vast experience and outstanding sense of humor on a daily basis.  Coach Pugmire doesn’t get a ton of recognition for all of his work behind the scenes but that is how he prefers it.  Our students are lucky to have someone who is willing to give so much for their success.


“In the 20 years that I have been coaching, the most valuable asset to our program has been Coach Pugmire. He puts his whole heart into our athletes. He volunteers hours of his personal time to maintain our fields and equipment to ensure that our players have the best playing conditions that we can offer. He builds relationships with our kids that have a lifelong impact and teaches them to have confidence in their contribution to a team. He is the first to congratulate successes and always provides quality instruction to help athletes improve. He makes everything about our program better.”

Erin DeRoco

Math Teacher & MBJH Softball Coach


“Coach Brett Pugmire is an institution. He embodies Baker softball and has for years. As a coach he is knowledgeable and explains things to players in a way that makes them understand, no matter what level they play. He is just as effective with 7th grade players as he is with high school seniors. But that is not where his skill set or involvement ends. He is the ultimate grounds crewman and has spent countless hours making sure our facilities are game and practice ready. He doesn’t reap any additional benefits from it, he just does it out of the goodness of his heart. If something softball needs doing, he is our go to guy. We are a better program because of him and his dedication.”

Sara Strachila

Spanish Teacher & MBHS Softball Coach 


Trojans Person of Distinction – Sharon McCormick



The Northwest Conference puts high value on celebrating our students, programs and communities throughout the school year.  From “Leaders in Sportsmanship,” to “Coaches vs. Cancer” and “Only 7 Seconds,” The Northwest Conference consistently goes above and beyond with outreach to every school and their corresponding communities.

Starting this spring, each school in the NWC will have the opportunity to highlight someone from their community as a “Person of Distinction.” This honor will celebrate someone associated with each athletic program and draw a spotlight on the amazing selfless people who help make this conference so special!

Meridian Athletics

Person of Distinction – Sharon McCormick

Sharon McCormick is an outstanding community member who is connected in every aspect at Meridian. Sharon started coaching and helping at Meridian while her children were young to help support our youth programs. After Nick and Lou graduated, her support did not end. She has continued to coach youth soccer and help out in whatever area has been needed while advocating for Meridian students. Sharon currently wears multiple hats in Laurel. From running the scoreboard at basketball games to announcing soccer, she is always willing to help out.

Sharon is the epitome of what it means to be a Meridian Trojan. She is dedicated, tenacious, and supports our students in all of their endeavors. We are lucky to have such an amazing person in our community.

“As long as I have known Sharon, she has been involved with the soccer program at ALL levels, youth soccer thru high school. She has been a youth coach, coaching 1, 2 and even 3 teams in a season, as well as playing in the adult leagues herself.  She is now the announcer for both boys and girls soccer at Meridian High School. She had a major hand in starting the Meridian 3v3 Soccer Tournament for kids K-8 10 or 12 years ago.  Even though she handed over the reins several years ago, she is still very involved in the tournament today.  She was also a member of the Meridian Booster Club holding several positions, including being a Board Member and a Vice President. Sharon’s selection is well deserved and long overdue. Congratulations Sharon.”       
Randy Kirk
Meridian community member and Athletic Department Employee


“I have known Sharon McCormick for only a few years and as the former Athletic Director at Meridian High School, Sharon is the type of person that I always searched for as a worker and coach. Sharon is a hard worker who is on top of everything she tackles, regardless of the task. Sharon has an outstanding personality and is a pleasure to work with at events for the Meridian School District. Sharon is a perfect selection for this honor.”

Steve Miller

Former Meridian School District Athletic Director


“Sharon has been an invaluable volunteer for Meridian Youth Soccer.  She volunteers her time to help coach youth soccer players and helps with our annual 3v3 tournament.  Sharon is currently coaching 3 teams for Meridian Youth Soccer.  She started coaching when her kids were in the program and has continued to coach each year since, even though her kids are no longer playing.  She loves to teach and help kids learn the game of soccer.  Sharon is always willing to step up and help out when needed.  She is a tremendous asset to the Meridian community and our youth players.”

Denise Richter

Meridian community member and MYS Soccer board member



Wildcats Person of Distinction – Jo Ann Wichers


The Northwest Conference puts high value on celebrating our students, programs and communities throughout the school year.  From “Leaders in Sportsmanship,” to “Coaches vs. Cancer” and “Only 7 Seconds,” The Northwest Conference consistently goes above and beyond with outreach to every school and their corresponding communities.

Starting this spring, each school in the NWC will have the opportunity to highlight someone from their community as a “Person of Distinction.” This honor will celebrate someone associated with each athletic program and draw a spotlight on the amazing selfless people who help make this conference so special!

Oak Harbor Athletics

Person of Distinction – Jo Ann Wichers

Jo Ann Wichers has served as the athletics secretary for over 20+ years and has worked at Oak Harbor for 25+ years. She is the rock of the athletic department at Oak Harbor. Her knowledge and experience has enriched the lives of athletes. Jo Ann has helped students become engaged and eligible to compete and excel. Jo Ann has become indispensable for both staff, parents, and students. Without her help, resolving issues would become much more difficult. Jo Ann remains invaluable to the success of athletics at OHHS. I have never met a more committed person to the success of our athletic programs. Her tenacity and drive to take care of every coach and player is unmatched. From scheduling buses to checking physicals – JoAnn carries out her responsibilities like a champion and treats every student athlete like they are a varsity star.


“JoAnn is the heartbeat of the high school.  In my 25+ years of teaching/coaching she has been the single most important person I have worked with.  There are not enough positive words that can be used to describe her and her impact on coaches, athletes, and parents.  There should be an Oak Harbor High School athletic staff hall of fame and she should be the inaugural member.”

Eric Peterson

XC/Track Coach 

“Ms. JoAnn is one of the nicest, caring, most patient people I know.  Wherever you go into the Athletic office, she is always polite, willing to listen and help, and on top of that after working countless hours to make the coaches jobs easier, she takes the time to thank the coaches for their time.  JoAnn honestly cares about the programs, the kids and the coaches along with being the best asset to our Athletic Director.  JoAnn is an incredible asset to OHHS.”

Mike Lonborg

Girls Soccer 

“JoAnn is an integral part of the success of all sports programs at OHHS. She facilitates coaches’ needs and keeps us updated on students, travel requests and post season events. JoAnn goes above and beyond her job description for the benefit of the athletes and the sports programs at OHHS.”

David Smith

Boys Golf


Cougars Person of Distinction – Matt Wright


The Northwest Conference puts high value on celebrating our students, programs and communities throughout the school year.  From “Leaders in Sportsmanship,” to “Coaches vs. Cancer” and “Only 7 Seconds,” The Northwest Conference consistently goes above and beyond with outreach to every school and their corresponding communities.

Starting this spring, each school in the NWC will have the opportunity to highlight someone from their community as a “Person of Distinction.” This honor will celebrate someone associated with each athletic program and draw a spotlight on the amazing selfless people who help make this conference so special!

Lakewood Athletics

Person of Distinction – Matt Wright

Matt Wright is a huge part of the Lakewood Community and one that brings so much joy not in the moment, but for years to come. His amazing photographs of both athletes and fans create lasting memories to look back on forever.

Matt has been a member of the Lakewood Athletic Community for over a decade, beginning when his oldest son, Gavin joined his first t-ball team. Matt began capturing LHS events in the summer of 2015. Since then, Matt has spent countless hours at LHS events, capturing every moment on and off the field.

When Matt is on the sideline, you never know what you’re going to get – from him or from his camera. Coach O’Hara remembers meeting him for the first time at a wrestling event; Matt was jumping around and being goofy and Coach thought he might have to ask him to stay in the stands. Another Coach, who was familiar with Matt’s work from the Middle School, assured him that he was harmless. Matt overheard this and said to Mr. O’Hara, “Don’t worry, Coach, you’ll get used to me.”

Matt gives so much to the students and families of Lakewood with his gift of photography and yet he never asks for anything in return.


“Matt is at every Lakewood even, supporting the community with not only his photos, but his fun personality. Matt is one of the most outgoing and caring people and we are honored to have him be a part of the Lakewood family.” 

Rachael Anderson

Girls Varsity Basketball Coach


“The man has never met a memorable moment (good or bad) that he couldn’t capture via his photographs.”

Chris Walster

Unified Basketball & Girls Varsity Golf Coach


“Matt is a treasure and is deserving of so much credit and recognition.”

Dan Teeter

Head Football Coach

Lyncs Person of Distinction – Kristen Hinton


The Northwest Conference puts high value on celebrating our students, programs and communities throughout the school year.  From “Leaders in Sportsmanship,” to “Coaches vs. Cancer” and “Only 7 Seconds,” The Northwest Conference consistently goes above and beyond with outreach to every school and their corresponding communities.

Starting this spring, each school in the NWC will have the opportunity to highlight someone from their community as a “Person of Distinction.” This honor will celebrate someone associated with each athletic program and draw a spotlight on the amazing selfless people who help make this conference so special!

Lynden Christian Athletics

Person of Distinction – Kristen Hinton

Kristen Hinton is originally from Grand Coulee, WA having graduated from Lake Roosevelt HS where she competed in Volleyball, Track, and Cheer. She continued competing in track as a sprinter at Whitworth University where she earned her degree in math. Kristen has been a math teacher at Lynden Christian HS since 2008 and in that time she has helped at volleyball matches as the score book keeper and for track as the person running the timing system. Kristen truly has a heart for doing what is best for students in and out of the classroom. Kristen can be counted on to cheerfully help with behind the scenes work, from classwork to committees to curriculum to athletics, etc. She rarely gets the recognition or credit she deserves which is why we are celebrating her as a Lynden Christian Person of Distinction. We are grateful to Kristen for sharing her time, talents, service, and heart with the students and staff at LCS.


“Kristen Hinton is the epitome of volunteerism.  She has been an integral part of our track program for the past 15 years in her role as computer technician running the electronic camera system at our track meets.  Kristen is consistently dependent, always on time and treats everyone with a big smile.  She comes early, sets up the computers and cameras and puts them away very carefully. When I think of a giving spirit even at the end of an exhausting day teaching math, I think of Kristen.  We are so blessed to have her on our track officials team.”

Harlan Kredit – Track Coach & Meet director


“Kristen is the kind of person who loves to help without regard for credit or even a “thank you” being said.  Her volunteer work is always accurate and careful, so student achievement is elevated.  Kristen’s behind-the-scenes work always helps the school shine.”

Craig Johnson – HS Principal


“I have worked with Kristen for all of her 15 years at Lynden Christian.  She was my daughter’s favorite math teacher!  I work closely with her at all our home track meets and she quietly does her job with the utmost attention to detail.  She sets the timing system up, making sure all is in order, then runs the timing system during every home track meet (high school and middle school and post season) after teaching math all day.  I do the data entry, I cannot say enough how much I appreciate Kristen.  We could not run our track meets without her!”

Vicki Lindquist – parent & Activities Assistant

Bayhawks Person of Distinction – John Philbeck


The Northwest Conference puts high value on celebrating our students, programs and communities throughout the school year.  From “Leaders in Sportsmanship,” to “Coaches vs. Cancer” and “Only 7 Seconds,” The Northwest Conference consistently goes above and beyond with outreach to every school and their corresponding communities.

Starting this spring, each school in the NWC will have the opportunity to highlight someone from their community as a “Person of Distinction.” This honor will celebrate someone associated with each athletic program and draw a spotlight on the amazing selfless people who help make this conference so special!

Bellingham Athletics

Person of Distinction – John Philbeck

John “Papa Phil” Philbeck moved to Sudden Valley with his wife Diana upon retiring in 2021. He reached out to local schools seeking a way to become active in the community. At the same time, BHS was looking for someone to announce home softball and baseball games at their new facilities. A match was made, and John jumped in headfirst to not only announce and run the scoreboard at games, but also to entertain the players, parents and fans with music, trivia (and cookies!).

As a kid growing up in Roanoke, Virginia, John worshipped Mickey Mantle and Roger Marris. His playing development progressed from little league to Babe Ruth, Connie Mac, and every rec league he could find. He played second base and loved being a catcher. At Virginia Commonwealth University, John was a catcher and became the team manager.

John joined the umpire’s association and officiated leagues ranging from Sandy Koufax (youth) to college level for 15 years. In addition, he volunteered with his children’s PTSA and helped coach his daughter’s soccer and fast pitch teams.

Now, when he’s not golfing John can be found organizing and playing ping pong with an informal group of players ranging from teens to seventy somethings.


John shows unwavering support for our softball program. He creates an environment that athletes and fans alike want to be a part of. He makes each athlete feel special and like an important part of our program. He is the first to point out the positive after a tough loss. Bayhawaks softball wouldn’t be Bayhawks softball without Papa Phil!

-Kaeli Andersen, Head Softball Coach


John has been there for nearly every home game we’ve had. We always enjoy Papa Phil’s trivia questions he asks in between innings, and we really appreciate all the hard work he puts in for us.

-Jake Troost, baseball player


We deeply appreciate all that John has brought to our two programs. People from outside communities regularly comment on the warm hospitality that John provides before, during and after the games. John’s efforts enhance the experience for all who attend and participate.  We all benefit from his passion to provide a memorable experience. Bellingham High is special because of people like John!

-Chad Larsen, AD


Every afternoon when we are hosting baseball and/or fastpitch, I know that Papa Phil is here by the music and general good vibes coming from our speakers. John is always prepared, gets to know our students well, and creates the ideal atmosphere that we all associate with the ballpark. His trivia questions (and the fact that he brings prizes) create just the right atmosphere. And…the players love him!

-Marty Atkins, Principal


Lions Person of Distinction – Amanda Schuyleman

Lions Athletics


The Northwest Conference puts high value on celebrating our students, programs and communities throughout the school year.  From “Leaders in Sportsmanship,” to “Coaches vs. Cancer” and “Only 7 Seconds,” The Northwest Conference consistently goes above and beyond with outreach to every school and their corresponding communities.

Starting this spring, each school in the NWC will have the opportunity to highlight someone from their community as a “Person of Distinction.” This honor will celebrate someone associated with each athletic program and draw a spotlight on the amazing selfless people who help make this conference so special!

Lynden Athletics

Person of Distinction – Amanda Schuyleman

Amanda Schuyleman knows what it’s like to be an impact player. But most fans will never know her name. Fans won’t tell their friends what this impact player did in the last game to help the team win. Amanda has been a student athletic trainer for 4 years now as she prepares for a healthcare career of her own. In that time, she’s taped thousands of ankles, listened to players’ aches and pains, traveled thousands of miles while doing her homework on team buses, made ice bags, carried heavy medical kits and tables, assisted during emergencies, taken AP classes, practiced annual emergency plans with the local EMTs, remembered to have coach’s gum handy for every game and competed in the State and (soon to be) Nationals high school healthcare (HOSA) competitions. Oh yes, and a part of 4 State Championship sports teams as student trainer. Lynden High School Athletics programs are successful because of the many impact players like Amanda Schuyleman, whose names you may never hear.


“Amanda is a consummate professional and has maturity years beyond her age. She has been a key part of our Football Success the past 4 years working tirelessly to take care of over 100 athletes and does so with a smile. Her positive attitude and hard work ethic is infectious and rubs off on the entire program she is working with. Thanks Amanda!”

Blake VanDalen

Head Football Coach 


“When I think of Amanda Schuyleman, I think of a young woman who demonstrates dedication, poise and excellence and does so with a heart for serving others. As our student-trainer for the past four years in Boys Basketball at Lynden High School, Amanda brought a consistent effort and a willingness to learn and grow in her field of study. She was always there, always communicating and always looking for ways to help keep our players healthy. What stands out to me is that Amanda did these tasks with a smile and a strong desire to help coaches and athletes. She worked behind the scenes but was such a key part of our success. We will miss her next year perhaps more than we know. The was the best student-trainer I have had in 30 years as a head coach.”

Brian Roper

Head Boys Basketball Coach

Mariner Athletics Person of Distinction – Kim Kirk


The Northwest Conference puts high value on celebrating our students, programs and communities throughout the school year.  From “Leaders in Sportsmanship,” to “Coaches vs. Cancer” and “Only 7 Seconds,” The Northwest Conference consistently goes above and beyond with outreach to every school and their corresponding communities.

Starting this spring, each school in the NWC will have the opportunity to highlight someone from their community as a “Person of Distinction.” This honor will celebrate someone associated with each athletic program and draw a spotlight on the amazing selfless people who help make this conference so special!

Sehome Athletics

Person of Distinction – Kim Kirk

Kim Kirk has been part of the Sehome Community since 1994. She started as a volunteer coach for basketball in 1995 while attending WWU.  After graduating from WWU she was hired as a teacher and coach at Sehome. She is a teacher/coach that every AD dreams of having on staff. She will do anything needed to help support kids and their passions.  Kim has been a head coach for both girls basketball and fastpitch. She has also spent many seasons volunteering for both programs.  Kim also announces games for soccer, football and basketball and will support the athletics department whenever help is needed.  Kim has been a leader on the Sehome staff for many years.  She has taught history, leadership, health and interior design.  She has been a Dean of Students and a Tech Advisor for staff.  We are extremely excited to celebrate Kim as Sehome’s Person of Distinction, and thankful for her continued service to the students of this district!


Kim Kirk consistently goes above and beyond to support the Sehome community. Athletics is not exception. Whenever we need some additional support, Kim is there. She has announced many games in many different sports, refereed Unified basketball games, volunteered coached in basketball, softball, and fast pitch.  She will help in any capacity for whatever is needed. Kim loves our students and athletics. I am so thankful for her dedicated work and advocacy!

Sonia Cole

Sehome HS Principal


 I can’t think of a better person to be recognized in the Sehome community. She has coached basketball, fastpitch softball, kept the scorebook, swept the gym floor, and announced for numerous basketball games throughout her years at Sehome. I have had the pleasure of having her as an assistant coach and friend for 20 years. Not sure where the Sehome Fastpitch program would be without her. Her commitment to not only Sehome Athletics but to Sehome High School is second to none. Very excited to see her being recognized for all her time and effort.

Jim Emerson Sehome High School

Head Slowpitch and Fastpitch Softball Coach

Tiger Athletics Person of Distinction – Susan Slotemaker

Susan Slotemaker


The Northwest Conference puts high value on celebrating our students, programs and communities throughout the school year.  From “Leaders in Sportsmanship,” to “Coaches vs. Cancer” and “Only 7 Seconds,” The Northwest Conference consistently goes above and beyond with outreach to every school and their corresponding communities.

Starting this spring, each school in the NWC will have the opportunity to highlight someone from their community as a “Person of Distinction.” This honor will celebrate someone associated with each athletic program and draw a spotlight on the amazing selfless people who help make this conference so special!

Burlington-Edison Athletics

Person of Distinction – Susan Slotemaker


With three amazing daughters that all played varsity soccer at B-EHS, Susan Slotemaker has been an important part of the Tiger Soccer program for over a decade.  For a team to have success on the field and for the athletes to perform at their highest level, it takes athletic talent, hard work, and dedicated coaches.  It also requires committed and supportive parents.  No one fits that description better than Susan. 

Over the past 11 years Susan has done everything imaginable to support the team.  This includes organizing fundraisers, volunteering her home for team bonding retreats, creating memorable “themed” team dinners and snacks, procuring a dump truck for the team to ride in during the homecoming parade, providing protective eyewear during the solar eclipse, bringing ice cream at the end of practice on a hot day, just to name a few.   

More important than all the things previously mentioned was Susan’s positive attitude and supportive encouragement of the people around her.  If a coach was hungry after a long day of work and games, she would bring them food.  If another player on the team needed a ride, she was there to give it.  If a student transferred to the school, she was the first to offer friendship to their parents.  These efforts were often unnoticed and uncelebrated (which was fine with her), but they were always appreciated and truly contributed to a “family” atmosphere around the team.      

Ryan Kuttel

Burlington-Edison Head Girls Soccer Coach


Susan is a rock star.  Susan is always ready to help and assist in any capacity as needed.   When Covid hit, and we were able to start our events back up or getting ready to resume at limited capacity she anticipated the need to help in some way.  She reached out to our athletic department and said, “what can I do to help?”  At the time, we were not charging admission so to pay our event workers was not going to happen.  She volunteered to work the pass gate and monitor entry into all the events whether her daughters were playing or not.   Susan has helped in many other aspects of being a team mom, working as a booster club member, and helping organize team dinners, etc…

Susan was instrumental in helping organize the “50th year anniversary Title IV” event with our girls basketball team, which was a huge success.  She is always at our events throughout every season and always checking to see if any help is needed.  Susan’s last daughter is graduating at the end of the school year.  But, we hope to continue to see Susan at our events.  If not, she will truly be missed. 

Donald Beazizo

Burlington-Edison Athletic Director


Susan Slotemaker has been a stalwart volunteer for the last 7 years with Burlington Edison girls basketball.  Susan is tireless in her efforts to unite parents and community members to help support the basketball program.  She puts time, effort and excellence into her volunteering efforts.  She addresses needs and challenges that have arisen in our program, and is always willing to step up to lead the charge to provide solutions and make things happen.  

This season Susan was president of our booster club, rallied parents to help with our Title IX celebration, helped us organize our coaches v cancer game, our youth night, and our Appreciate a Referee night, etc.  Susan is a volunteer who we can all constantly count on to get things done, and to find great ways to support B-E teams.

Brett McLeod

Burlington-Edison Head Girls Basketball Coach


Susan Slotemaker
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