The Northwest Conference puts high value on celebrating our students, programs and communities throughout the school year. From “Leaders in Sportsmanship,” to “Coaches vs. Cancer” and “Only 7 Seconds,” The Northwest Conference consistently goes above and beyond with outreach to every school and their corresponding communities.
Starting this spring, each school in the NWC will have the opportunity to highlight someone from their community as a “Person of Distinction.” This honor will celebrate someone associated with each athletic program and draw a spotlight on the amazing selfless people who help make this conference so special!
Anacortes Athletics
Person of Distinction – Craig Volkman
Craig works with our athletic department in the following capacity: meets and greets opposing team coaches, players, and officials and lets them know of the days agenda; meets and greets our own coaches and players; meets and greets fans and holds them accountable for acceptable behavior; helps with pre-event set up and post-event breakdown of the facilities; PA Announcer for girls soccer, volleyball, boys and girls basketball, boys soccer, fastpitch and baseball teams. He performs all of these duties and probably some I have missed over the past 15 years with the greatest amount of professionalism you can imagine. Craig bleeds the Seahawk colors of purple, gray and white. The only bias Craig has in his many duties is support for all kids who wear the same.
Craig is tireless in his support of Seahawk Athletics. He provides supervision and crowd control at home and away postseason events. Even if not working in an “official capacity” Craig willingly volunteers and offers his support in whatever is asked of him. Craig’s name vaults to the top of everyone’s list when we need someone who is ALWAYS willing to volunteer on behalf of the community and/or kids. A true GIFT!! Items would fall through the cracks if it weren’t someone who were as detail oriented as Craig.
Erik Titus
AHS Athletic Director
Craig is a huge part of all the sporting events at Anacortes High School. Craig is the set up, tear down, announcer, score board, score book at most all Anacortes sporting events. I have worked with Craig for the last 15 years in the role that he has with the school. There is no one that has a stronger work ethic and a more positive attitude than Craig possesses.
He always has a warm personality to the players, coaching staff, officials, fans and administrators. Countless times Craig will stop the boys after a practice as he is setting up and tell them “You guys looked great last night.” He has great rapport with everyone that he comes in contact with. With many discussions with Craig on games and players throughout the course of the season he always makes the conversation positive. In my life I live by a motto “hard work will reward you” Hard work definitely has been a big part of Craig’s life.
Brett Senff
AHS Head Boys Basketball Coach
Craig has a great sense of pride for kids and Anacortes athletics that is very evident. If you didn’t know better you would assume that Craig was a paid school employee. He is on site before the JV basketball games begin and is often the last person to leave the facility. It seems like more and more people these days don’t want to do anything other than what they are paid to do. Not Craig, he is a volunteer that serves his school and community beyond call.
Dick Freier
Former AHS Head FB Coach
Anacortes HS Graduate and Community Member