Character & Leadership Spotlight – Squalicum High School


The Northwest Conference loves celebrating our student-athletes in and outside of the classroom. Character Development and Leadership are a top priority in the conference, and we want to provide our communities with a simple and efficient way to see character, leadership and sportsmanship of our student-athletes through the traits that make them up.

The Northwest Conference is asking every school to select two of the 32 character traits to show recognition to two student-athletes within their programs for that trait.  This will be going on throughout the summer and will include the follow words:


Character and Leadership play an important role in the development and success of our schools, and athletics show them in one of the most polarizing ways possible. Today we are recognizing two stellar student-athletes from Squalicum High School!



Sarah Leslie (Squalicum)

“Sarah Leslie exemplifies the SQHS Girls Varsity Tennis motto of “Smart, Tough, Kind.”  Her kindness is especially notable.  Sarah is always looking for ways to support her teammates, whether that’s volunteering to work with athletes who want to develop skills, or sitting on the bus and chatting with JV players who are preparing for their first varsity matches.  She is attentive to making others feel welcome and included.  She is currently planning summer camps to share the joy of tennis with those who might not otherwise have an opportunity to play.”

“As president of the SQHS Rotary Interact Club, Sarah also helps other students engage in acts of kindness and service throughout our community.  I often see her engaged in friendly conversation with a variety of students after school in the hallways.  Sarah is always willing to step up and help out in any way needed.  Her kindness contributes to a positive team environment and is an example for others to follow.”

Angie Harwood, Head Tennis Coach


“Sarah is a pleasure to observe in action both as a student and an office assistant.”

“I am continuously impressed by her dedication, kindness, and willingness to support in whatever way is needed. The positive impact she has on our school community is easy to see by the smile on her face as she moves throughout the day. Sarah has demonstrated exceptional communication skills and commitment as team player, volunteer, and a student leader during her time at our school. She possesses a unique ability to talk with students and staff in a way that conveys that you have her full attention, and she genuinely cares about having a positive interaction. She is inquisitive, passionate and speaks up for inclusion and diversity.”

“Sarah possesses a warm and welcoming demeanor that endears her to both students and staff. bringing a thoughtful detailed energy to her work shines through in everything she does. I have complete confidence in Sarah’s’ s abilities and believe that any school/team would be fortunate to have her as a part of their team.”

Phyllis Crouse, Administrative Assistant to the Principal


“Over the last four years I have had the pleasure to watch Sarah Leslie grow into an exceptional student-athlete and person. During her time at Squalicum Sarah has been active in several clubs and student government. In each of these roles she has been the definition of servant leader, going well above and beyond for those around her. Sarah has also been involved in our soccer and tennis programs. Even though she is a fierce competitor Sarah has always represented Squalicum and herself with humility and class. In addition, Sarah is often seen talking and working with younger players to help them improve their game. Sarah’s maturity and kindness make younger players feel comfortable and valued. These characteristics also endear her to her coaches and the Squalicum staff. Sarah’s impact at Squalicum has been significant. We have been so fortunate to have her as a student, athlete and leader at Squalicum.”

Patrick Brown, Athletic Director



Kaden Jensema (Squalicum)

“The time I have spent with Kaden over the last 4 years has taught me what dedication looks like. Kaden has been involved in bowling, basketball, soccer and the band. He was not one to ever miss a practice, game, concert or event and has put in a lot of extra work to be a contributing member in all of these areas. He has the most school spirit and has always wanted to represent Squalicum High School to the best of his abilities. Not only has he worked on his athletic and musical skills, but his ability to be a good teammate and bandmate. Everyone surrounding him knows that they will be able to count on him to show up and do his best because he has put in the work ahead of time. Kaden has taken his role very seriously and will leave a big hole as he graduates this year.”

Carin Carter, Life Skills Para


“Kaden has by far the most school spirit in this building. He participates in Unified Basketball, Unified Soccer, and is part of the Band. Kaden would have been on more teams if he had the time in his day.”

“Kaden is the definition of dedicated with the amount of effort he puts into every practice, every game, every note, and every drill. He not only pushes himself, but he loves to encourage his teammates also to succeed. When he is on the sidelines taking a breather from his games, he is found standing up cheering and clapping for his teammates. As Kaden finishes his time at Squalicum during his senior year, he is already starting conversations on how to be an assistant coach next year to continue his love and dedication to his teams.”

Dylan Arrowood, Life Skills Teacher


“You can generally tell that Kaden Jensema is a sports fan, even if you didn’t know him, by the clothes that he is wearing on any given day.  He has a vast array of team jerseys and hats that he wears and he is especially fond of the professional teams from Seattle including the Seahawks, Mariners and the Kraken.  Kaden, however, is much more than a fan.  He is quite an athlete himself and has been a proud and stand-out member of the Squalicum Unified Basketball team for the past four years.  What sets Kaden apart as an athlete is his obvious passion for competing, which is always on full display, and his desire to do whatever it takes to get better.  I can’t tell you how many lunch breaks over the years I have spent with Kaden either shooting baskets in the gym, going up to the tennis courts to play tennis or out back to the ballfields to hit baseballs.   Sports, however, are only part of the Kaden Jensema story.  Aside from being a tremendous athlete, Kaden is also a music lover and a natural performer.  He spends many hours listening to songs and watching music videos by all his favorite performers so that he can learn the songs and all the dance moves that they involve.  He also puts on regular concerts for all his friends and classmates where he performs musical numbers with all the choreography that they entail.  His ability to memorize these songs is absolutely incredible.  He knows, for example, every song and the accompanying dance moves from all six High School Musical Movies and that’s just scratching the surface.”

“Kaden’s love of music and of all things Squalicum has also been on full display for anyone that has ever attended a school concert or a Squalicum football or basketball game where the school drumline has performed.  Kaden is a very passionate member of this group and loves all the playing and dancing that it involves and he never misses an opportunity to perform with them.  He has also marched proudly with the band in the yearly Ski to Sea parade.”

“I can think of no other student in my many years at Squalicum who has been a better ambassador for the school than Kaden Jensema.  He truly loves being a part of the Squalicum family and he has always been bursting with school spirit and pride.  I feel blessed to have had the opportunity to work with Kaden and I will remember him fondly always.”

Bob Lazaar-Atwood, Retired Life Skills Para


“Kaden is a remarkable student who has defied expectations his entire high school career. Kaden embodies what it means to be “STORM fam” not only will you see him on the court or the field playing Unified Sports, but he is actively involved in the arts, clashing his cymbals with heart and soul on the percussion team or performing a piano recital at his church! Most of us know and love Kaden dearly, and if he’s not playing sports or instruments, he is often: cheering, spectating, or volunteering at a school or community event giving well over 100% to each endeavor! Kaden is a champion who has broken down barriers proving that ability transcends limitations and his resilience and passion is truly inspiring. Go Kaden – we are so proud of your tremendous accomplishments!!”

Amber Burling, Life Skills Teacher

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