Cougars Person of Distinction – Matt Wright


The Northwest Conference puts high value on celebrating our students, programs and communities throughout the school year.  From “Leaders in Sportsmanship,” to “Coaches vs. Cancer” and “Only 7 Seconds,” The Northwest Conference consistently goes above and beyond with outreach to every school and their corresponding communities.

Starting this spring, each school in the NWC will have the opportunity to highlight someone from their community as a “Person of Distinction.” This honor will celebrate someone associated with each athletic program and draw a spotlight on the amazing selfless people who help make this conference so special!

Lakewood Athletics

Person of Distinction – Matt Wright

Matt Wright is a huge part of the Lakewood Community and one that brings so much joy not in the moment, but for years to come. His amazing photographs of both athletes and fans create lasting memories to look back on forever.

Matt has been a member of the Lakewood Athletic Community for over a decade, beginning when his oldest son, Gavin joined his first t-ball team. Matt began capturing LHS events in the summer of 2015. Since then, Matt has spent countless hours at LHS events, capturing every moment on and off the field.

When Matt is on the sideline, you never know what you’re going to get – from him or from his camera. Coach O’Hara remembers meeting him for the first time at a wrestling event; Matt was jumping around and being goofy and Coach thought he might have to ask him to stay in the stands. Another Coach, who was familiar with Matt’s work from the Middle School, assured him that he was harmless. Matt overheard this and said to Mr. O’Hara, “Don’t worry, Coach, you’ll get used to me.”

Matt gives so much to the students and families of Lakewood with his gift of photography and yet he never asks for anything in return.


“Matt is at every Lakewood even, supporting the community with not only his photos, but his fun personality. Matt is one of the most outgoing and caring people and we are honored to have him be a part of the Lakewood family.” 

Rachael Anderson

Girls Varsity Basketball Coach


“The man has never met a memorable moment (good or bad) that he couldn’t capture via his photographs.”

Chris Walster

Unified Basketball & Girls Varsity Golf Coach


“Matt is a treasure and is deserving of so much credit and recognition.”

Dan Teeter

Head Football Coach

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