Lyncs Person of Distinction – Kristen Hinton


The Northwest Conference puts high value on celebrating our students, programs and communities throughout the school year.  From “Leaders in Sportsmanship,” to “Coaches vs. Cancer” and “Only 7 Seconds,” The Northwest Conference consistently goes above and beyond with outreach to every school and their corresponding communities.

Starting this spring, each school in the NWC will have the opportunity to highlight someone from their community as a “Person of Distinction.” This honor will celebrate someone associated with each athletic program and draw a spotlight on the amazing selfless people who help make this conference so special!

Lynden Christian Athletics

Person of Distinction – Kristen Hinton

Kristen Hinton is originally from Grand Coulee, WA having graduated from Lake Roosevelt HS where she competed in Volleyball, Track, and Cheer. She continued competing in track as a sprinter at Whitworth University where she earned her degree in math. Kristen has been a math teacher at Lynden Christian HS since 2008 and in that time she has helped at volleyball matches as the score book keeper and for track as the person running the timing system. Kristen truly has a heart for doing what is best for students in and out of the classroom. Kristen can be counted on to cheerfully help with behind the scenes work, from classwork to committees to curriculum to athletics, etc. She rarely gets the recognition or credit she deserves which is why we are celebrating her as a Lynden Christian Person of Distinction. We are grateful to Kristen for sharing her time, talents, service, and heart with the students and staff at LCS.


“Kristen Hinton is the epitome of volunteerism.  She has been an integral part of our track program for the past 15 years in her role as computer technician running the electronic camera system at our track meets.  Kristen is consistently dependent, always on time and treats everyone with a big smile.  She comes early, sets up the computers and cameras and puts them away very carefully. When I think of a giving spirit even at the end of an exhausting day teaching math, I think of Kristen.  We are so blessed to have her on our track officials team.”

Harlan Kredit – Track Coach & Meet director


“Kristen is the kind of person who loves to help without regard for credit or even a “thank you” being said.  Her volunteer work is always accurate and careful, so student achievement is elevated.  Kristen’s behind-the-scenes work always helps the school shine.”

Craig Johnson – HS Principal


“I have worked with Kristen for all of her 15 years at Lynden Christian.  She was my daughter’s favorite math teacher!  I work closely with her at all our home track meets and she quietly does her job with the utmost attention to detail.  She sets the timing system up, making sure all is in order, then runs the timing system during every home track meet (high school and middle school and post season) after teaching math all day.  I do the data entry, I cannot say enough how much I appreciate Kristen.  We could not run our track meets without her!”

Vicki Lindquist – parent & Activities Assistant

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